While the majority of a pipeline is underground, there are several types of supporting infrastructure that we construct during a pipeline project. Compressor stations, facilities that maintain the pressure level within the pipeline, are built to support new pipeline projects, or existing stations are upgraded. Additionally, valve stations are built above the right-of-way along the pipeline, allowing operators to shut off sections of the line for maintenance or in an emergency. Metering stations are built along the length of pipelines, providing a measure of the flow of gas throughout the line.
To ensure pipeline integrity, we x-ray the welds and hydro-test the pipeline. This process involves pumping in clean water, pressured above the expected MAOP — maximum average operating pressure. Then, all water is removed, and “pigs” are inserted into the pipe to clean it out. When the pigs eventually exit the far end of the pipe clean, then the line will be filled with dry air.
Air compressors pump up the air, and the air is run through a drier. The air will be sampled and tested for moisture content. When those parameters get low enough, the complete pipeline is filled with nitrogen to absorb more of the remaining moisture. Only then is the pipeline ready to transport natural gas.
Lr. Energies designs, builds, sells, owns, and operates on-site gas storage infrastructure and pipelines.